Staff Absence Management

The Davis Joint Unified School District is using an automated service that simplifies and streamlines recording and managing absences and finding substitutes. This service is called Absence Management. The Absence Management service will be available to you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week and can be accessed via internet and phone. 

  • To Report an Absence: Call 1-800-942-3767 or visit the Absence Management Website.
  • All absences must be reported to Absence Management (even if you do not require a substitute).
  • Absences should be entered as soon as you know you will be out.
  • The system will accept absences up until one hour before they begin.

Absence Management Resources:

Time and Attendance

The Davis Joint Unified School District is using an automated service that simplifies and streamlines submitting time sheets. This service is called Time and Attendance. The Time and Attendance service will be available to you, and can be accessed via online and phone.

Access Time and Attendance Through Absence Management
If you are logged in to the absence management system, you can access time and attendance simply by selecting the app switcher and clicking the Time & Attendance option.

Accessing Time and Attendance

Direct Login
To log in to time and attendance, go to Click the Sign In button inside the Time & Attendance square. On the next page, enter your ID or Username and PIN or Password into the boxes and click Sign In to be taken to your time and attendance home page.

Forgot Your ID or PIN?
If you have forgotten your ID or PIN, you can click I forgot my ID or username, or I forgot my PIN or password, depending on the circumstance.

Below is a few quick links to helpful handouts for staff that may a need helpful step-by-step refresher: