Homeless/McKinney Vento Students


Students in Davis who are experiencing homelessness--including being doubled up in insufficient or unstable situations due to economic or other necessity, living on the street or couch-surfing--have certain rights and are eligible for supports through the school district, including free lunch, school supplies and assistance with transportation.

Eligible students have the:

  • Right to immediate school enrollment even when records are not present
  • Right to remain in the school of origin, if in the student’s best interest
  • Right to receive transportation to and from the school of origin
  • Right to receive support for academic success

If your family is experiencing homelessness or are unsure if this status applies to you, please contact Camica Edwards, Homeless/McKinney-Vento Liaison.

College Guide for Students Experiencing Homelessness/Guía universitaria para estudiantes que experimentan desamparo

The team at Study.com recognizes that students experiencing homelessness might have questions about applying for and attending college that might be difficult to find answers to. That's why they have recently developed a comprehensive college guide for students experiencing homelessness. Their goal is to inform students about critical information regarding their college education and share different resources that will help set them up for success. Their guide offers in-depth information in several areas, including:

  • A guide to the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act and the Homeless Bill of Rights
  • A comprehensive list of resources for housing help, essentials assistance, health assistance, community support, and academic support
  • Information regarding FAFSA and scholarships available to students experiencing homelessness
Click Here For Guide!

Yolo County Rental Assistance/Asistencia de Alquiler del Condado de Yolo

The purpose of the Rental Assistance Program is to support residents who are at greatest risk of displacement due to non-payment of rent related to the COVID-19 pandemic and to offset corresponding lost revenue that landlords need to provide housing services. The program provides a one-time rent relief grant directly to landlords on behalf of low-income tenants to reduce burden on tenants and ensure landlords receive the revenue needed to maintain housing services. Yolo County Housing (YCH) will be administering the program.

Rental Assistance Program Guidelines Summary.pdf

Disaster CalFresh/Desacredit CalFresh

Disaster CalFresh, known federally as the Disaster Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (D-SNAP), provides temporary food benefits to disaster victims who were not eligible for regular CalFresh benefits at the time of the disaster.

Click Here For More Information

Housing Resources/Recursos de vivienda

Davis Community Meals and Housing

  • (530) 753-9204
  • https://daviscommunitymeals.org
  • Provide low-income and homeless individuals and families with housing, food, and human services to help them rebuild their lives.

Empower Yolo

  • (530) 662-1133
  • http://empoweryolo.org/
  • Emergency Shelter, Crisis Services, Counseling, Educational Services and Legal Services to Victims of Sexual Assault, Domestic Violence and Trafficking

Fourth and Hope

  • (530) 661-1218
  • https://fourthandhope.org/
  • The Fourth & Hope housing program provides permanent supportive housing and transitional housing. The program’s goal is to place families into housing as quickly as possible to provide stability and recovery from a crisis. This program includes supportive services such as classes on household budgeting, how to be a good tenant, and employment skills.

Shores of Hope

  • (916) 372-0200
  • http://www.shoresofhope.org/
  • Shores of Hope provides supportive housing for homeless households including youth transitioning out of foster care, victims of human trafficking and those seeking refuge from domestic violence.

Renters Protection- Legal Services of Northern CA

YCCA West Sacramento Housing & Homelessness Prevention Services

  • Elise Rietz at 530-902-9288
  • https://www.yolokids.org/
  • YCCA’s Housing staff continue to work closely with the City of West Sacramento’s Homeless Coordinator to identify and place those needing shelter in motels and others needing housing-related assistance. They are working with clients by phone and continue to assist with placements as well as support in working with landlords and utility companies. They are staying current on news related to housing and utility payments and are working with local agencies to keep people informed and housed.

Family Resource Center

  • 530-661-6336
  • Local Family Resource Centers (FRCs) play an important
    role in helping families access basic needs, such as
    housing, healthcare, food, parenting support, referrals,
    and other resources.
Financial Resources/ Recursos financieros


St. Vincent de Paul Society

Salvation Army of Yolo County

  • (530) 661-0141
  • https://www.salvationarmy.org/
  • Provides partial payments of rent, housing, and
    household energy bills for low-income people. It is for
    those facing an energy emergency and/or hardship
    circumstances. *By appointment only.
Food Resources/ Recursos de comida

Yolo County Food Bank

  • (530) 668-0690
  • https://yolofoodbank.org/
  • Text "Tomato" to 888777 to receive information and
    reminders of food distrubution. Multiple locations
    around Yolo County that disperse food multiple
    times per week.

Yolo County Children's Alliance


  • (530) 758-8435
  • www.steac.org
  • Monthly food to feed the entire family three meals,
    weekend meals for school age students who
    participate in free/reduce lunch program.
    Must make an appointment through Community Meals and
    Housing or Empower Yolo.

Salvation Army of Yolo County

Davis Community Meals and Housing

  • (530) 753-9204
  • https://daviscommunitymeals.org
  • Provide low-income and homeless individuals and families with housing, food, and human services to help them rebuild their lives.


  • www.cdss.ca.gov/ebtonline
  • CalFresh recipients can now use their EBT card to
    purchase groceries online at Walmart and Amazon
    starting April 28, 2020. You will be able order food
    online that you would normally buy with your EBT card
    in-person and select home delivery*.


  • [email protected]
  • Expensify is matching SNAP grocery purchases up to
    $50 per family. Expensify cannot guarantee every family in
    need will receive help. Follow the directions on the website
    to submit your information for a $50 match.
Other Resources/ Otros recursos

Yolo County Children's Alliance

  • Call Jose (530) 902-6381
  • https://www.yolokids.org/
  • Health Insurance support, medical services, preparing
    your taxes, parenting support, developmental
    assessments for children 0-5, help enrolling in
    CalFresh, pregnancy support, new parent support.



  • (530) 758-8435
  • www.steac.org
  • Clothing for job interviews, job training, and
    education related funding.

Public Assistance Programs

Salvation Army of Yolo County

  • (530) 661-0141
  • https://www.salvationarmy.org/
  • Other social services include a free
    food pantry, job counseling, Christmas assistance
    (toys or meals), and free school supplies.
    *By appointment only.


Childcare- Children's Home Society of California

  • Kristy Weber
  • www.chs-ca.org/child-care-payment-program/
  • The California Department of Education has changed
    the eligibility requirements for child care assistance
    making it possible for essential workers to apply for
    and receive help paying for child care. CHS Child Care
    Payment Programs provide subsidized child care to
    families in need. Apply online.