National School Counseling Week

School Counseling


The Davis Joint Unified Comprehensive School Counseling Program is staffed by professional school counselors who advocate, collaborate and facilitate to impact individual and systemic change. We ensure that every student has the knowledge and skills necessary for academic success and personal growth. As school counselors, we strive to empower students to embrace their full potential, to develop healthy lifestyles, and to achieve their academic, career and social/emotional goals.

Davis Joint Unified School Counselors believe:

  • In meeting the needs of the whole child.
  • All students should have equal access and opportunity.
  • In providing critical support by connecting students to resources within and outside of the school system.
  • All students contribute to the diversity of the school community and have the right to be treated with dignity and respect.
  • All students can achieve.
  • In nurturing resilience.
  • In advocating for our students’ unique developmental needs.
  • Every student should feel a sense of belonging and connectedness to their school.
  • In collaborating and partnering with students, parents, teachers, administrators and the community. 
Elementary Counseling

Why Elementary School Counselors?
The elementary school years are foundationally and developmentally critical to the long term success and functioning of DJUSD students. During these early and influential years, elementary students develop the knowledge, attitudes and skills necessary to become healthy, competent and confident lifelong learners. DJUSD elementary school counselors strive to nurture the incredible potential of all elementary students by:

  • Meeting monthly to consult and discuss best counseling practices;
  • Partnering and collaborating with school staff, parent/guardians, and surrounding community to nurture responsive and inclusive school climates;
  • Implementing educational counseling curriculum adapted to student developmental and grade level needs; and
  • Providing early identification of student social, emotional and academic and student focused intervention and consultation.

Here is a brochure to learn more about the elementary school program: 

DJUSD Elementary Counselor Brochure (002).pdf
DJUSD Elementary Counselor Brochure - Spanish.pdf

Consent and Confidentiality
In general, school-wide counseling activities and whole grade level lessons do not require consent to participate, as school counseling services are a part of the general educational program open to all students. Small group and individual counseling services do require parent or guardian consent prior to student participation, with the following exceptions:

  • As per California law, if a child is twelve years or older they may consent to receive counseling services.
  •  In the case of a crisis, a school counselor may provide one to two sessions for a student, regardless of age, to determine the scope of the problem and to apply problem-solving and crisis resolution techniques.
  • Parent/guardian(s) will be informed of the crisis counseling activities and any future sessions will require consent for children ages 11 and under.

The role of the school counselor in regards to confidentiality is:

  • To support the students’ right to privacy and protect confidential information received from students, the family, guardians and staff members.
  • To explain the meaning and limits of confidentiality to students in developmentally appropriate terms.
  • To provide appropriate disclosure and informed consent regarding the counseling relationship and confidentiality.
  • To inform students and the family of the limits to confidentiality when:
    • Student poses a danger to self or others.
    • Court ordered disclosure.
    • Consulting with other professionals in support of the student, i.e., colleagues, supervisors, treatment teams, and other support personnel.
    • Privilege communication is not granted by state laws and local guidelines, i.e., school board policies.
  • To keep personal notes separate from educational records and not disclose their contents except when privacy exceptions exist.
  • To seek guidance from supervisors and appropriate legal advice when their records are subpoenaed.
  • To assert their belief that information shared by students is “confidential” and should not be revealed without the student’s consent.
  • To adhere to all laws protecting student records, health information, and special services, i.e., HIPAA, FERPA, IDEA.
Secondary Counseling

The DJUSD Secondary Counseling Program at the junior and high schools seeks to positively impact the lives of all our students by partnering with staff, parents, and the community. Our program offers comprehensive planning and guidance services addressing student academic, diverse career and college goals, as well as personal and social development. We work to give all students the opportunity to acquire the educational and social competencies necessary for growth toward lifelong success and effective, responsible citizenship for a diverse and changing world.

Important Information Regarding the Confidentiality of School Counseling Records

Per Section 49602 of the California Education Code, any information of a personal nature shared by a student age 12 or older in the process of receiving counseling from a school counselor as specified in Section 49600 of the California Education Code is confidential.

Likewise, any information of a personal nature disclosed to a school counselor by a parent or guardian of a student age 12 or older and who is receiving counseling from a school counselor as specified in Section 49600 of the California Education Code is confidential.

This means that the information shared does not become part of the student’s/pupil’s record (as defined by subdivision (b) of Section 49061 of the California Education Code) unless the person who disclosed the confidential information (be it the student and/or the parent/guardian) otherwise states in writing. The information, therefore, shall not be revealed, released, discussed, or referred to,

Except as follows:

With psychotherapists as defined by Section 1010 of the California Evidence Code, other health care providers, and/or the school nurse, for the sole purpose of referring the student for treatment;
To report child abuse or neglect as required by Article 2.5 (commencing with Section 11165) of Chapter 2 of Title 1 of Part 4 of the California Penal Code;
To report information to the principal or parents of the student when the school counselor has reasonable cause to believe that disclosing the information is necessary to avert a clear and present danger to the health, safety, or welfare of the student or the following other persons living in the school community: administrators, teachers, school staff, parents, students, and other school community members;  To report information to the principal, other persons inside the school, as necessary, the parents of the student, and other persons outside the school when the student indicates that a crime, involving the likelihood of personal injury or significant or substantial property loss, will be or has been committed;
To report information to one or more persons specified in a written waiver after the written waiver of confidence is read and signed by the student and preserved in the student’s file; with other school staff, as appropriate, regarding modification of the student’s academic program; with law enforcement agencies when ordered to do so by order of a court of law;
To aid in the investigation of a crime; and/or when ordered to testify in an administrative or judicial proceeding.

A school counselor shall not disclose information deemed to be confidential pursuant Section 49602 of the California Education Code to the parents of the student when the school counselor has reasonable cause to believe that the disclosure would result in a clear and present danger to the health, safety, or welfare of the student.

No person required by Section 49602 of the California Education Code to keep information discussed during counseling confidential shall incur any civil or criminal liability as a result of keeping that information confidential.

The term “information of a personal nature” does not include routine objective information related to academic and career counseling.

Questions? Contact the Student Support Services Office at (530) 757-5300.

What's your superpower

Elementary Counselors
Birch Lane Elementary
Mackenzie Domingues

Chavez Elementary
Christy Ortiz

Korematsu Elementary

Kayla Salazar

Montgomery Elementary
Luna Flynn

North Davis Elementary
Maria Cook - Mon-Wed
Alicia Perry - Wed-Fri

Patwin Elementary
Melinda Coates

Pioneer Elementary
Stefana Valenzuela

Willett Elementary
Elizabeth Petteys
Secondary Counselors
Davis School for Independent Study
Kerry Trlak

Davis Senior High School

Elizabeth Arroyo
Kimberly Liu
Ann Murao
Kathy Parker
Catherine Pereira
Elizabeth Sanchez

Da Vinci Charter Academy
Jennifer Sindel – JHS

Erika Strand – HS

Emerson Junior High School
Macara Nicoll
Emily Ferguson

Harper Junior High School
Jacquelina Orozco
Lizette Torres

Holmes Junior High School
Stephenie Carlson
Zach Fullington
Ellen Shields

King High School
Christine Kim

Thank you school counselors

Every student deserves a school counselor