Payment Options

Please take advantage of the options to prepay your student's meal accounts. Prepaid meal accounts help lunch lines go faster and gives students more time to eat, relax, and play. It also gives you the peace of mind of not having to worry about looking for lunch money every day or worrying about it getting get lost, stolen or used for something other than lunch.

Online Payments
Online payments are a fast and easy way to pay for lunches. There are several options to choose from in this payment system. Please visit myschoolbucks and see what they have to offer. Online payments are a simple, safe and secure way to make payments to your student's account. 

Send Check or Cash
You may always bring money money to the Nutrition Office or send it to school with your student. Please place the money in an envelope marked with your student's name and ID number. The envelope may be given directly to the Kitchen Manager on site or placed in a locked box in the office. You may also make cash or check payments at the Nutrition Office at 1919 5th Street.

Every time you pay for 20 lunches, a bonus lunch is added to your account.

Meal Prices

Elementary Breakfast 
Full price: $1.75
Reduced price: $0.30
Adult price: $4.50

Elementary Lunch 
Full price: $3.25
Reduced price: $0.40
Adult: $6.00

Junior High Breakfast
Full price: $2.00
Reduced price: $0.30 
Adult: $4.50

Junior High Lunch 
Full price: $3.50
Reduced price: $0.40
Adult: $6.00

Davis Senior High Breakfast
Full price: $2.00
Reduced price: $0.30
Adult: $4.50

Davis Senior High Lunch
Full price: $3.50
Reduced price: $0.40
Adult: $6.00

Da Vinci High Breakfast
Full price: $2.00
Reduced price: $0.30
Adult: $4.50

Da Vinci High Lunch 
Full price: $3.50
Reduced price: $0.40
Adult: $6.00